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This is a composition of a chase of a wild boar by wolves.

It is carved into the mammoth tusk which is fixed onto the wooden stand.

The animals are caught in movement, and make the focus of the composition. Besides, the background of the forest is of no less importance in this scene, which can be observed in careful and detailed finish of the branches and leaves and their position enhancing the tension of the scene.



Have you ever had this feeling, this fleeting sensation when wandering in the woods all alone  in fragile autumn silence, or when darkness is gradually falling down and sounds dying away….that now you look up to see in front of you a pair of eyes looking intently right at you, ears alert, the front paw trembling expectantly raised in the air…and the same suddenly the grey image is fading away, blending and merging with the landscape.

This carving is devoted to this grey beholder of the forest, the Wolf.



Было ли у вас когда-нибудь такое чувство, такое мимолетное ощущение, когда вы бродите в одиночестве по лесу, в хрупкой осенней тишине, или когда постепенно сгущается тьма, и звуки замирают - вы поднимаете глаза и видите перед собой пару глаз, пристально смотрящих прямо на вас, уши настороже, передняя лапа, дрожа, выжидательно поднята. И так же внезапно этот серый образ расплывается, сливаясь с пейзажем.



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