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The newest work

This is a spacious carving representing a scene from wolves' life. The two wolves in the front are carved fighting, as separated sculptures made of wood, they are placed on a stand attached to the moose antler.


This is another version of one of my favourite compositions the center of which is 2 mooses fighting. Cut carving technique allows to make the carving light and the atmosphere airy.

Every version of this composition is not a simple repetition of the same subject but a new treatment of the scene and the material as every new moose antler dictates the forms and movements and carving lines and techniques to be applied.



This is a composition depicting a bear and two wolves' interaction.

Wolves and bears can coexist peacefully, they often avoid each other but their interactions can be quite violent when, for instance, they fight over animal carcasses or when a bear gets too close to the wolves' den and they may attack.

Let's leave it to the viewer's imagination why the fight depicted in this carving is happening......



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